9am - Three Wheaters on the 11th fairway.
Paul King
Redcar Tarn
9.30am - Eight Teal flew over the tarn, but no sign of the Franklin's Gull
Josh Selfe
Fly Flatts, Warley Moor Reservoir
10.30am - A Wryneck flew from a fence post up the track, east through the turbines towards Ogden. Also 17 Wheatears, nine Pied Wagtails and a White Wagtails (see photo).
Brian Sumner more on Brian's blog
Yeadon Tarn
2.30pm - At the north end, four Spotted Flycatchers.
Jeremy Taylor
Oats Royd, Queensbury
6.30pm - Three Chiffchaff, a Spotted Flycatcher, Bullfinch, Jay, Green Woodpecker and a Sparrowhawk.
Chris King
Migration Watch