Hazlewood - 2 male Siskin visit feeder.
Foto & record from Roger Nelson
Produced by Bradford Ornithological Group, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England.
CONTACT - recorder@bradfordbirding.org
Storiths - near the road, Curlew chick (see below), Spotted Fly, Redstart, Dipper, Grey Wagtail, Common Sandpiper, 2 Grey Partridge, Green & Great Woodpeckers.
Sighting & photo from Steve MeredithStainburn Moor area - field nearby held 100 Curlew. Presumed an early return off autumn migrants.
Keith Moir
Storiths Road, Barden - pair of Redstart, Mistle Thrush, Green & GSW, Willow Warbler, Chiff-Chaff.
Brian Vickers
Oakenshaw - 2 adult Tree Sparrows feeding 2 young.
Martyn Priestley
R Aire, Wagon Lane - Little Egret. Near Dowley Gap S W Kingfisher & singing Common Whitethroat.
Shaun Radcliffe
St Ives, Bingley - Wood Warbler
Shipley - canal bank, Sand Martin colony. In Roberts Park on the river bank, Common Whitethroat.
Graham Wood
St Ives Estate, Bingley - late evening Woodcock watch provided 17 sightings of birds roding in 75 minute period. How many birds involved is anyone's guess!!
Shaun Radcliffe et al
Calverley Bridge to Apperley Bridge - a small Sand Martin colony plus Little Egret at Apperley Bridge.
Keith Moir
Baildon Garden - male Siskin
Steve Meredith
Hazlewodd Moorside - family of Linnets, Little Owl, the murder of a Blackbird!! The end of a fight between two males.
Sighting & images from Roger Nelson
Low Wood area - next to canal, Garden Warbler, Chiff-Chaff & Blackcap singing. Also two Blackbirds mobbing a sleeping Tawny Owl. Pied Flycatcher singing in the wood.
John Preshaw et al.
Birkenshaw farmland area - 7 singing Common Whitethroat, 2 pair of Skylark, 3 Tree Sparrow but not a single Swallow.
Martyn Priestley
East Riddlesden Hall 0930-1100am - 43 species
Reed Bunting, Kingfisher, Cormorant, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Common Sandpiper, Swift, House Martin, Sand Martin, Jay, Grey Wagtail, Grey Heron,
M Doveston et al
Leeshaw Reservoir - Cuckoo, Ringed Plover, Little Owl, Cormorants.
Brian Vickers