Hazlewood & Storith - Spotted Flycatcher in both places.
Foto & record from Roger Nelson
Produced by Bradford Ornithological Group, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England.
CONTACT - recorder@bradfordbirding.org
Bolton Abbey to Aquaduct & back - On a cool & blustery day, birds difficult to see. Heard 3 Pied Fly (seeing just one), Redstart, 3 Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher, 3 male Mandarin plus a female with 4 ducklings. Plenty of Grey Wagtails but no Dipper recorded.
Shaun Radcliffe
Hazlewood area - a foto received showing behaviour by two Oystercatchers when a third appeared nearby.
Glovershaw/Sconce area - both Grey & R L Partridges, numerous Lapwing, Curlews, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Reed Buntings, Greenfinch, Tree Sparrow, Cuckoo, all seen.
Graham Wood
Swastika Stone, above Hebers Ghyll - pair of Ring Ouzel plus Cuckoo heard.
John Budworth
Bolton Abbey - Storiths - Hazlewood - Spotted Fly, singing Garden Warbler, & Swifts.
Roger Nelson
Ben Rhydding N R - plenty of Blackcaps, Garden Warblers, Willow Warblers & Chiff-Chaffs.
Howard Creber
Leeshaw Reservoir - pair of Ringed Plovers, Common Sandpiper plus House Martins.
Brian Vickers
Laund to Aqueduct - singing male Redstart, 4 Pied Fly, 3 House Martin nest building.
Fewston Reservoir - Golden Pheasant (probably escapee)
Ben Rhydding LNR - 2 singing Garden Warbler, 4 singing Blackcap
John Brooks
Shipley - Swifts seen
Harden Moor - Cuckoo, Whitethroat, Willow Warblers
Jane Robinson
Bolton Abbey - Hazlewood - 5 Swifts, Kingfisher, Common Sandpiper, Mandarin Duck, Little Owl plus pair of Siskin in Hazlewood.
Low wood near Riddlesden - two singing male Pied Flycatchers.
Shaun Radcliffe
Stockbridge Reserve (members only) - Sedge Warbler, 2 Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting, Blackcap, Chiff-Chaff. Canadas goslings now. Still no sign of Whitethroat or Garden Warbler.
Shaun Radcliffe
Low Moor - near to pond, a female Whitethroat. Also a Sedge Warbler at Toad Holes Beck.
Martyn Priestley
Apperley Bridge area - Little Egret
Briony Spandler
Also, a late report of a Spoonbill fly through a few days ago going east over Hirst Wood.
David Moore
Sconce area - 2 Cuckoos at Scout Camp plus a Wheatear on nearby golf course.
Barden Tower - Spotted Flycatcher
Steve Meredith