
Welcome to the Blog of the Bradford Ornithological Group (BOG). Here you will find information about the latest sightings, an archive of information and a gallery photos of the birds of this area of West Yorkshire, England. We are an active group dedicated to the study and conservation of birds within this region which is situated amongst the Pennines of Northern England.

Send your recent sightings and photographs to us at this address: recorder@bradfordbirding.org Please add us to your contacts.

Please note that all images remain the property of the photographer.


CONTACT - recorder@bradfordbirding.org

Thursday, 31 December 2020

Thursday 31 January 2020

Stockbridge Reserve - 2 Water Rail, Reed Buntings, Bullfinch
Shaun Radcliffe

Otley Wetland Nature Reserve
A 1st-winter male Scaup.
Andy Jowett

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Wednesday 30th December 2020

Stockbridge Nature Reserve
A Cetti's Warbler,  first seen yesterday was relocated at the reserve today.  This is the second record in the Group's recording area.  The first was on 31st October 2016 at Snaygill.
John Middleton

Glovershaw, Baildon
A Barn Owl was seen hunting over the moor.
Paul King

Applerley Bridge
A skein of about 150 Pink-footed Geese flew westwards at 11.15am.
Damian Pearson

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Tuesday 29th December 2020

Ten Yards Lane, Thornton
Seen on Sunday 27th - An adult Mediterranean Gull and two 1st-winter birds.
A 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull (left) and an adult Mediterranean Gull
Juvenile 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull
Adult Mediterranean Gull
Photos and report by Mark Pearson

Monday, 28 December 2020

Monday 28th December 2020

Cullingworth Fields
A Caspian Gull - 1st-winter
Two Mediterranean Gulls - An adult and a 1st-winter.  Note the adult bird is different from the bird seen at Ten Yards Lane yesterday (27th).
Keith Moir

Tong Park, Baildon
A skein of 200 Pink-footed Geese flew north-westwards (12.50pm)
Paul King

Sunday 27th December 2020

Ten Yards Lane, Thornton
One Mediterranean Gull - An adult.
Brian Sumner      see more on Brian's blog

Low Wood, Riddlesden

A large flock of tits consisting of Long-tailed, Coal, Blu and Great.  Also seen were Treecreeper, Bullfinch, Sparrowhawk and Great Spotted Woodpecker.  On the canal, both Cormorant and Goosander were present.
Silsden Fields: 40 Fieldfare, two Mistle Thrush, eight Red-legged Partridge and two Common Buzzards overhead.
Josh Selfe

Thornton Black Heights area - 2x 1st W Med Gulls in addition to the Adult
M Pearson

Saturday 26th December 2020

St. Ives, Bingley
On the lake : 12 Goosander and two Gadwall.
Josh Selfe

Friday, 25 December 2020

Friday 25th December 2020


A Kingfisher on the River Aire at Hirstwood                    photo: Steve Meredith

Sunnydale area above East Morton - flock of 30 Fieldfare, 2 Kestrel, Buzzard, Red Kite, calling Stock Dove & superb views of Kingfisher on reservoir.
Shaun Radcliffe

Myrtle Park, Bingley
GSW, Nuthatch, Grey Heron, Goldcrest, Jay, Grey Wagtail, Song Thrush, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit.
Phil Matthews

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Tuesday 22nd December 2020

Bolton Bridge
Two Little Egrets took off the river and flew upstream.
Roger Nelson


A Little Grebe on the Aire near the Boathouse
Graham Wood

Monday, 21 December 2020

Sunday 20th December 2020

Stockbridge Reserve
A Little Egret, Goldcrest and Bullfinch plus a Water Rail was heard.
Shaun Radcliffe

Aire Valley - Utley to Riddlesden
A singing Mistle Thrush 15 Fieldfare, a handful of Redwing, a Grey Heron and two Cormorants.  There was also a Little Egret, three Goosanders, a Jay and a Bullfinch.
Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Two Common Buzzards were calling whilst they circled overhead and six Goosanders and a Kingfisher were noted along the walk.
Josh Selfe

Leeds and Liverpool Canal at Riddlesden
Two pairs of Goosander, five Mute Swans, a Kingfisher, a Tufted Duck, and a Grey Wagtail were the pick of the species.  
Bingley Moor/Ikley Moor
A walk over the area produced a Rite Kite, two Common Buzzards and a male Stonechat.
Penny French

A Barn Owl was seen from the road whilst passing through the area.
Tom Simcock

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Saturday 19th December 2020

A flock of 40 Goldfinch in an Utley garden.
River Aire, near Silsden
A Common Buzzard low over the river near Silsden, possibly just been feeding on a nearby dead sheep.  Also 50 Lapwing flying over and a Kingfisher on Holden Beck.
Josh Selfe

Monday, 14 December 2020

Sunday 13th December 2020

Stockbridge Reserve
A Little Egret, Goosander, Reed Bunting.
Shaun Radcliffe

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Wednesday 9th December 2020

Northcliffe Woods, Shipley
Ring-necked Parakeets in Northcliffe totalled at least 10 noisy individuals.
Paul King

Apperley Bridge
300 Pink-footed Geese flew west at 1pm.
Damian Pearson

Otley Wetland Nature Reserve
A Common Scoter was the highlight of John's walk around Otley Wetland, here are the other species recorded:

Wigeon: only about 25, although were about 190 on 30th Nov

Teal: one female in flight, although a few hidden males heard,

Goldeneye: about 8 about, both sexes.

Tufted Duck: just 2 males [there seem to be very few Tufties around in the area this winter; has anyone else noticed this?]

Goosander: pair on fishing pond, and another in flight

Little Grebe: 1-2 on sailing lake; first I've seen here for a while

Grey Heron: 2

Cormorants: as per

Water Rail: heard only (as usual), in reed bed

Oystercatcher: 1 (seems to be wintering)

Lapwing: 200+

Green Sandpiper, which I've seen 3 times in last month or so, not seen today

Herring Gull: 1 over (plus usual Common and Black-headed Gulls)

Stock Dove: 1

Little Owl: usual bird in dead tree within showground field

Kingfisher: 1 seen, another heard

GS Woodpecker: 1

Fieldfare: small flock nr sailing clubhouse

Chiffchaff: heard only

Goldcrest: 1

Jay: heard only

Siskin: flock c50 in alders

Bullfinch: at least 5 seen

John Armstrong

Monday, 7 December 2020

Sunday 6 December 2020

 Stockbridge Reserve -  Little Egret, Water Rail, Cormorant, Bullfinch

Shaun Radcliffe

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Saturday 5th December 2020

Utley to Silsden
Two Common Buzzards, five Bullfinch, two Cormorants, a Grey Wagtail, 30 Meadow Pipits, two Snipe and five Greenfinch.
Silsden to Utley (canal)
Eight Bullfinch, six Goldfinch, a Nuthatch and three Treecreepers.
Josh Selfe

Harden and Catstones Moor
Three Treecreepers, three Jays, two Mistle Thrush, a Goldcrest, a Green Woodpecker and a Woodcock.
Alan Buckley

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Tuesday 1st December 2020

North of England Raptor Forum

Thornton Moor Reservoir (Members' Only)
Approximately 1500 Herring Gulls, 8000 Common/Black-headed Gulls and 100 Lesser-Black backed Gulls.  There were also 78 Lapwings, two Ravens, 17 Mallards, a pair of Goldeneye and three Teal.
Brian Sumner        see Brian's blog for more details.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Monday 30th November 2020

Here's a short video of a male Blackcap visiting a Firethorn bush on 28th November in Low Moor, Bradford.
Martyn Priestley

Apperley Bridge
Two skeins of Pink-footed Geese with about 80 birds travelled west over Apperley Bridge at 12.15.
Damian Pearson

A flock of a dozen or so, Lesser Redpoll and a single Coal Tit in trees in Caroline Street car park.
Graham Wood

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Sunday 29th November 2020

Cullingworth Fields, Haworth Road
A 1st-winter Caspian Gull amongst a huge flock of gulls, later disturbed by farm activity.
Keith Moir

Stockbridge Reserve - Little Egret, 2 Water Rail, GSW & Bullfinch
Josh Selfe & Shaun Radcliffe

Utley to Riddlesden
A flock of 21 Redwings and a couple of Fieldfare.
Josh Selfe

Saturday 28th November 2020

Leeshaw Reservoir
A Yellow-legged Gull.
Brian Sumner      more on Brian's blog

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Wednesday 25th November 2020

Shipley Glen
A Kingfisher, a regular visitor, was fishing in Crag Hebble Dam and 11 Grey Herons were feeding in the field up above the Higher Coach Road.
Paul King

At least six Ring-necked Parakeets near the allotments at Northcliffe.
Graham Wood

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Stockbridge Reserve - 3 Water Rail, 2 Snipe
Jon Middleton

Redcar Tarn, Keighley
The 1st-winter and 2nd-winter Caspian Gulls were both on the tarn today.
Keith Moir

Monday, 23 November 2020

Monday 23rd November 2020

Redcar Tarn, Keighley
A 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull was present on the Tarn during the afternoon.
Keith Moir

Shipley Glen
11 Grey Herons feeding and roosting in the fields at the bottom of the Glen.  A flock of 10 Long-tailed Tits on the Higher Coach Road.
Paul King.

Manningham, Bradford
Goosanders can be seen on Lister Park Lake and a regular roost Pied Wagtails has been reported on Manningham Mills.
Joy Leach

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Sunday 22nd November 2020

Redcar Tarn
A 1st-winter Caspian Gull, which was first seen yesterday, was present once more during the afternoon.
Keith Moir

Aire Valley (Utley to Riddlesden) 
A Common Buzzard in trees on the Golf Course. Elsewhere, Bullfinch, a mixed flock of Siskin and Lesser Redpoll and a Goldcrest.  
Josh Selfe

Stockbridge Reserve - 2 Water Rail, 3 Reed Bunting, GSW & Cormorant flyover.
Shaun Radcliffe, John Preeshaw

Thornton Moor Reservoir
14.50 - 400 Pink-footed Geese (two skeins close together) went over, heading south-east.  The reservoir held 5000 Black-headed Gulls, 1500 Common Gulls, 300 Herring Gulls and a bout 10 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
Chris King

Friday, 20 November 2020

Friday 20th November 2020

Redcar Tarn
The 2nd winter Caspian Gull, reported recently was again present on the tarn.

Report and images by Brian Sumner      see Brian's blog.

Ogden Water
Seven Crossbills by the 'Giants Tooth'.
Alan Buckley

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Thursday 19 November 2020

 Stockbridge Reserve -  2 Snipe flushed, male Siskin, Water Rail heard

Shaun Radcliffe

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Wednesday 18th November 2020

Redcar Tarn
The 2nd year Caspian Gull which has made frequent visits to Redcar Tarn, has once more returned.  It was seen today after being re-located at the tarn yesterday (17th).
Keith Moir

Northcliffe Woods, Shipley
A flock of 18 very squawky Ring-necked Parakeets have been seen in Northcliffe Woods.
Jane Robinson

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Tuesday 17th November 2020

Baildon Moor
At Dobrudden Farm a flock of at least 12 Tree Sparrows are over-wintering.
Paul King

Leeshaw Reservoir
9.50am - Five Wigeon
10.53am - A Yellow-legged Gull
Brian Sumner

Redwings reported in a local garden.
Jane Robinson.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Sunday 15th November 2020

Delphwood, Shipley
A Grey Wagtail visits Steve Meredith's patio.

Soil Hill, Denholme
Four Stonechats, two male Bullfinch, a Teal and a Jay.
Stockbridge Reserve
Little Egret, Water Rail and Reed Bunting.
Shaun Radcliffe

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Saturday 14th November 2020

Leeshaw Reservoir - Wigeons and Pink-footed Geese were present yesterday .
photo and report by Brian Sumner.  see more on Brian's blog

Friday, 13 November 2020

Friday 13th November 2020

Shipley Glen
11 Grey Herons, feeding and roosting in fields adjacent to the weir.
Paul King

Leeshaw Reservoir
278 Greylag Geese, 196 Canada Geese, four Pink-footed Geese and three Wigeon.
Brian Sumner

Above Micklethwaite - at 15.45, 2 skeins of Pinkfoot flew over of 200 & 50 birds going west.
Shaun Radcliffe

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Bingley garden - 3 Red Kite circling our house this morning.

Shaun Radcliffe 

Monday, 9 November 2020

Monday 9th November 2020

A Woodcock flew low over Moorside, Baildon, plus there were a few Common Gulls on the rugby field.
Jeremy Taylor

Leeshaw Reservoir
Nine Teal on the water and 14 birds flew over heading west.  There were also 11 Wigeon on the water and nine birds flew over heading north-east.  Also on the water was a female Shoveler and four Tufted Ducks.  Other fly-overs consisted seven Gadwall and 26 Mallard.
Ogden Water
10 Teal on the water.
Report from Brian Sumner    see more on Brian's blog. 

Stockbridge Reserve - 2 Water Rail, Snipe flushed, single Tufted & Teal, both males.
Jon Middleton 

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Sunday 8 November 2020

Stockbridge Reserve (members only) - A female & 2 male Wigeon on the water. Also Water Rail seen feeding on the edges.
Shaun Radcliffe & John Preshaw

Sandbeds - Chiff-Chaff 
Morton Beck - Dipper
Shaun Radcliffe

Aire River, Utley to Silsden: Two Kestrels being mobbed, 1 buzzard, 1 sparrow hawk, a Whooper Swan standing in a puddle (which flew off towards Silsden), three snipe (flushed), 15 golden plovers, four goosander on river, 40 redwing, 65 fieldfare.

Silsden floods: A Whooper Swan on the floods near Saxon Dene (presumably the same bird), buzzard, kestrel, 2 snipe flying over, bullfinch, meadow pipit, 50 redwing, 100 fieldfare.
Josh Selfe

Friday, 6 November 2020

Friday 6th November 2020

Baildon Moor
At least seven Tree Sparrows in the hedges and on the feeders at Dobrudden Farm.
Paul King

Thursday 5th November 2020

Migration Watch

Leeshaw Reservoir
719 Pink-footed Geese moved west in six skeins.

report and photos from Brian Sumner. There's more on Brian's blog.

report by Martyn Priestley.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Wednesday 4th November 2020

Migration Watch

Oxenhope watch point

Tuesday 3rd November 2020

Migration Watch

reports supplied by Dave Barker, Howard Creber and Martyn Priestley.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Monday 2nd November 2020

Leeshaw Reservoir
Five Goosander, a Kestrel and a Cormorant.
Brian Vickers

Migration Watch

report by Martyn Priestley

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Friday 30th October 2020

Redcar Tarn
A photo from Keith Moir of the 2nd-winter Caspian Gull, reported on Monday (26th) and last seen on Wednesday (28th).

photo: Keith Moir

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Thursday 29th October 2020

Ogden Water area
Through the torrential rain: a female Goldeneye, a Kingfisher, two Dippers, a Grey Wagtail and three Jays.
Brain Sumner more on Brian's blog.

Wednesday 28th October 2020

Ogden Water
Three Crossbills over Ogden towards Giant's Tooth
Brian Sumner   see more on Brian's blog.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Tuesday 27th October 2020

Otley Wetland Nature Reserve
A Green Sandpiper in flight.  Otherwise pretty light: group of 5 Skylarks over, 3-4 Grey Wagtails, small numbers of Redwing and around 6 Mistle Thrush was fairly unusual.
John Armstrong

Leeshaw Reservoir

A Pink-footed Goose was seen amongst the Greyalgs.
Brian Sumner

Redcar Tarn, Keighley
The Caspian Gull first reported on Sunday, has been seen again in fields near the tran.
Keith Moir

Monday, 26 October 2020

Monday 26th October 2020

Redcar Tarn, Keighley
A 2nd- winter Caspian Gull left for a roost at 4.30pm.
Keith Moir

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Sunday 25 October 2020

Two Stonechats between 8th and 9th fairways whilst a mixed flock of about 20 Redwings and Fieldfares flew south-eastwards.
Steve Meredith

Mannywells Height, Cullingworth
A 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull.
Keith Moir

Stockbridge Reserve (members only)
- Kingfisher, 2 Reed Bunting, Bullfinch & Jay.
Shaun Radcliffe

Migration Watch

Report by Howard Creber and Dave Barker.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Saturday 24 October 2020

Stockbridge Reserve (members only) - Little Egret

Sue Patchett 

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Thursday 22nd October 2020

Wharfe Valley
About 20 Whooper Swans flew south east along the valley during the afternoon.
Martin Taunton
Aire Valley, Saltaire
Two Whooper Swans flew west at 6pm.
Steve Meredith

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Baildon Moor
Five Tree Sparrows on feeders at Dobrudden Farm.
Paul King

Bradford Road, Guiseley.
11 Ring-necked Parakeets flew across Bradford Road from the direction of Tranmere Park.
Ian Poole

Fly Flatts (Warley Moor Reservoir)
Eight Stonechats and four Wheatears.
Brian Sumner

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Sunday 18th October 2020

Migration Watch - (click image to enlarge)
Red-throated Diver, lots of Whooper Swans and the first Bramblings!

Reports from: David Barker, Howard Creber, Chris King, Brian Sumner and Martyn Priestley.

A Barn Owl was heard calling then seen hunting at about 15.30 this afternoon, over the fields in between Baildon Moor and Sconce Lane. A male Kestrel was also seen from Sconce Lane and a Stonechat heard on Baildon Moor.
Thomas Simcock

Leeshaw Reservoir
Four Teal and four Cormorants.
Brian Vickers

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Saturday 17th October 2020

Upper Wharfedale birds in pictures, by Roger Nelson.

Migration Watch (click on image to enlarge)

Reports by Brian Sumner, Martyn Priestley, David Barker and Howard Creber.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Friday 16th October 2020

Castlefields Industrial Estate, Crossflatts
Two Yellow Wagtails in the estate and a Common Buzzard went over.
Steve Meredith

Early Autumn in Upper Wharfedale

                                Newly arrived Fieldfares and a Redwing   photo: Roger Nelson

Migration Watch
Fly Flatts (Warley Moor Reservoir) & Oxenhope Watchpoint
There were 3850 Pink-footed Geese over Fly Flatts, all the skeins heading towards the south-east. There were eight skeins, the largest featured over a 1000 birds! 
Brian Sumner, David Barker and Howard Creber
click on the image to enlarge

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Thursday 15th October 2020

Allerton, Bradford
10am - 300 Pink-footed Geese passing over Allerton.                photo: Ian Watson

Shipley Glen

10am - A skein of about 150 Pink-footed Geese flew towards the east.
Paul King

Stockbridge Reserve (members only) - singing Chiff-Chaff, Bullfinch, Cormorant & a pair of mating Mallards. At 09.50, three tightly knit skeins of Pinkfoot totalling 220 flew over going east.
Shaun Radcliffe

Apperley Bridge 
10.35am - A skein of over 100 pink-footed Geese flew NE.
Damian Pearson

Lee Lane, Leeshaw
Brian Vickers reported nine skeins of over 1000 birds moving eastwards.

Barden Scale
Four Ravens also Common Buzzards, red Kites and Kestrels.  There was also a flock of 40 Fieldfares.
Brian Vickers

Migration Watch

Reports by Martyn Priestley, Brian Sumner, David barker and Howard Creber.


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Wednesday 14th October 2020

Leeshaw Reservoir
am - A big movement of Fieldfare and Redwing whilst on the water a Wigeon and a Teal.

Fly Flatts (Warley Moor Reservoir)
pm - The movement of 1,296 Fieldfare and Redwing across the area was again apparent and eight Wigeon were present before flying off.

Photos and report from Brian Sumner.  There's more on Brian's blog.

Migration Watch -
Low Moor, Bradford
Massive movement of thrushes:  1903 Fieldfare and c2300 Redwing

Tuesday 13th October 2020

Nab Water Lane, Oxenhope
A male Stonechat.
                           A male Stonechat in the early morning light.    photo:    Brian Vickers

Redcar Tarn, Keighley
A Kittiwake seen on the tarn late in the afternoon.
Keith Moir

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Monday 12 October 2020

Fly Flatts (Warley Moor Reservoir)
A foggy and misty Fly Flatts
A Jack Snipe, two Wheatear and five Stonechat.
Brian Sumner               see more on Brian's blog

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Sunday 11 October 2020

Barden Scale
Seen from Barden Scale:  Common Buzzards, Red Kites, Kestrel, Ravens and three flocks of winter thrushes, i.e. Fieldfares and Redwings, two went west and another towards the south.

An early Fieldfare                   photo: Brian Sumner

Stockbridge Reserve (members only) - 3 Snipe flushed, Chiff-Chaff, Bullfinch, Jay plus 2 Cormorant & Buzzard flyover.
Shaun Radcliffe

Delph Wood, Shipley Glen
Seven Pink-footed Geese flew east at 7am
Buck Stones, Rombalds Moor
Two Ravens, 20 Grouse and a Wren.
Steve Meredith
Migration Watch 
Fly Flatts (Warley Moor Reservoir)
A Black Redstart and a couple of Wheatears.

Report from Brian Sumner        more on Brian's blog

Buckstones, Rombalds Moor
Two Red Kites and two Kestrels.
Jane Robinson


Saturday, 10 October 2020

Saturday 10th October 2020

Low Wood, Riddlesden
A pair of Mandarin ducks on the canal, also an otter seen on this stretch.  A Kingfisher flew over the Cobby, south of Saxon Dene.
Josh Selfe

Friday 9th October 2020

Leeshaw Reservoir
Four Dippers
Brian Vickers

Chellow Dene, Bradford
Three Ring-necked Parakeets flew over the golf course.
Tim Winterburn

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Thursday 8th October 2020

Raggalds Flood, Queensbury
Five Teal
Brian Sumner

Migration Watch

Reports from Martyn Priestley & Brian Sumner

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Wednesday 7th October 2020

Pennithorn, Baildon
A Barn Owl hunting over the fields, also five Stonechats, two Robins, a Jay and a Red Kite overhead.
Jane Robinson

Fly Flatts (Warley Moor Reservoir)
A Kittiwake seen during a quiet afternoon.

Shipley Glen and Glovershaw
Kestrel, Red Kite and Raven seen in the area.
Graham Wood

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Tuesday 6th October 2020

Migration Watch

Reports from Brian Sumner and Martyn Priestley