
Welcome to the Blog of the Bradford Ornithological Group (BOG). Here you will find information about the latest sightings, an archive of information and a gallery photos of the birds of this area of West Yorkshire, England. We are an active group dedicated to the study and conservation of birds within this region which is situated amongst the Pennines of Northern England.

Send your recent sightings and photographs to us at this address: recorder@bradfordbirding.org Please add us to your contacts.

Please note that all images remain the property of the photographer.


CONTACT - recorder@bradfordbirding.org

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Sunday 30th June 2019

Silsden Beck
Dipper and Grey Wagtail on Silsden Beck just below the duck pond this morning.
Tom Hubball

Saturday 29th
An Osprey was seen flying down the River Aire below St. Ives at 15:00.  A pair of Ravens were also in the St. Ives area.
Matthew Rawnsley

Friday, 28 June 2019

Friday 28th June 2019

Shipley Glen
A family of Green Woodpeckers (two adults and three juveniles) by the main car park at the end of Lucy Hall Drive.  A Harris' Hawk was once more seen circling over the Glen.
Paul King

Knotford Nook
Knotford Nook and Gallows Hill
Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck, Coot with juveniles, Treecreeper, Nuthatch,  Bullfinch, Kingfisher, Buzzard, Oystercatcher,  female Mandarin Duck with four ducklings
Large Skipper, Ringlet, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Peacock,

Azure Damselfly,  Commn Blue Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle, Broad-bodied Chaser and an unidentified Hawker

Yeadon Tarn
Tufted Duck 3, Cormorant 2, Blackcap, Reed Bunting
Phil Matthews

Thursday 27th June 2019

Upper Wharfedale

Wheatears have again bred successfully at Coney Warren on the road from Barden to Storiths.  photo Roger Nelson

Lapwings are now beginning to form post-breeding flocks.    photo: Roger Nelson

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Tuesday 25th June 2019

Hazlewood, Storiths
A pair of Redpoll in a garden and a Little Owl with at least two owlets.

Little Owl and owlets              photo: Roger Nelson
A lovely male Redpoll at Hazlewood          photo: Roger Nelson

Monday, 24 June 2019

Monday 24 June 2019

Upwood Farm above Riddlesden - Spotted Flycatcher carrying food, singing Garden Warbler
Bradup - 2 Snipe drumming, 2 Golden Plovers amongst the dozen Lapwing, a Redshank heard.
Shaun Radcliffe

A Harris Hawk was seen once more, this time headed north through Haworth.
Howard Creber

Bingley, Walsh Lane
An evening walk produced Grey Heron (on the College roof), Little Owl, Red Kite, four Oystercatchers, Curlew and Pied Wagtail

Grey Heron and Little Owl                     photos: Phil Matthews

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Sunday 23 June 2019

Stockbridge Reserve (members only) - 2 singing Reed Warbler plus a Sedge Warbler calling during its short flight, Bullfinch, Blackcap, Reed Bunting.
Shaun Radcliffe

A post-breeding flock of 85 Lapwings in the fields by Faweather Grange.  A noisy Redshank and a pair of Stock Doves at Golcar.  Two pairs of Curlew with young, three singing Reed Buntings and a pair of Linnets.
Paul King

Hollins Hill

Lesser Whitethroats have produced a brood of four young.     Photos: Roger Wilkinson
Mandarins have also successfully bred at Gill Beck           Photo: Roger Wilkinson
Find out more about Gill Beck  https://friendsofgillbeckvalley.org/2019/06/23/mandarin-ducks/ 

Kex Gill
Pairs of Stonechats and Common Sandpipers.

Photos by Roger Nelson

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Thursday 20th June 2019

Shipley Glen
A Grasshopper Warbler singing from a "bramble patch" on the Glen Road.
Paul King

Lindley Wood Reservoir

A pair common sandpiper, pair lapwings with 3 well developed young.
Bryce Henderson

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Low Snowden - 2 pairs of Stonechat, one with two newly fledged, the other pair taking food to nest site. Also Whitethroat, pair of Oystercatchers with one young, pair of Linnet feeding two fledged young.
Shaun Radcliffe

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Sunday 16th June 2019

Otley Chevin

A Wood Warbler singing on the Chevin just above the Whitehouse Cafe area on 15th and 16th June. I know they are declining in the area. (There were actually five warblers singing- Wood, Willow, Garden, Blackcap and Chiffchaff.)
Andy Woodall (Bird Holidays)

Friday, 14 June 2019

Friday 14 June 2019

Sconce Lane area - adult Whitethroat feeding juvenile, a few Linnets flying about, 4 male Reed Buntings calling.
Shaun Radcliffe

Leeshaw Reservoir
Ringed Plover, three Dunlin, three Redshank, two Common Sandpiper, Little Owl (juvenile).
Brian Vickers

Thursday 13th June 2019

Shipley Glen
Green Woodpecker feeding on Brackenhall Green.

Penny French's photo of an Oystercatcher

Monday, 10 June 2019

Monday 10th June 2019

Lindley Wood Reservoir
Osprey was seen fishing at 10am and again in the early afternoon when it caught a large Bream (identified by the cognoscenti).
Theo Kuechel et al

Pennythorn Hill, Baildon
A male Stonechat was with two juveniles, five Reed Bunting sites identified, a Cuckoo flew over and 12 Swifts went through at various times (largest group was six). The Grasshopper Warbler pair has been reported as feeding young.
Paul King
Throughout the area, Willow Warblers are now feeding.  This one was recently seen by Keith Allen.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Sunday 9th June 2019

Lindley Wood Reservoir
Osprey was reported again and at 3.55pm was seen catching a fish.
Andy Jowett

Little Ringed Plover
A breeding pair was seen in the area by Keith Allen.  Location withheld.
Phil Matthews has sent these images of breeding birds.  Pied Wagtail, Golden Plover, Redshank and Meadow Pipit.  In addition there were three Red Kites, five Herring Gulls and a couple of Oystercatchers.

Two House Martin nests in use with parents feeding young.  Phil Matthews.

Upper Wharfedale
Birding activity in Upper Wharfedale, as recorded by Roger Nelson.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Saturday 8th June 2019

Heber's Ghyll, Ilkley
At least three Wood Warblers are singing in the woods.  Nuthatch were seen feeding two juveniles. Worth a visit!
John Armstrong
Keith Allen's photo taken at Heber's Ghyll, Ilkley
Shipley Glen
At 7am a flock of about 50 Swifts were feeding low over trees behind The Old Glen House.
Paul King

Chevin, Otley
Family of Wrens and a few Swallows
Bryce Henderson

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Thursday 6th June 2019

Sconce & Pennythorn (Baildon)
Two singing Whitethroats were seen, one near the quarry and another was by the cabins.  Breeding sites of eight Willow Warblers and two pairs of Reed Buntings were noted.  Two Red Kites drifted over the area, a couple of Swallows went by and over 15 Swifts were feeding on Pennythorn Hill.
Paul King

Wednesday 5th June 2019

Washburn Valley
News that eight pairs of Pied Flycatchers have broods totalling over 40 hatchlings.
via What's Ap

Hirst Wood, Shipley
A pair of Stock Doves and a male Blackcap.
Graham Wood

Lindley Wood Reservoir
8.45pm - An Osprey was fishing in the reservoir. It was seen flying into trees, presumably to roost.
John Armstrong

Lindley Bridge area
Two pairs of Pied Flycatchers, one brood of eight young ringed. A family party of four Nuthatch and pairs of Common Buzzards and Red Kite.
Bryce Henderson

Stainburn Plantation
A 'churring' Nightjar and probably two other different males.  Also, three 'roding' Woodcock, Tawny Owl, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Tree Pipits.
John Armstrong

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Monday 3rd June 2019

Breeding Birds
Meadow Pipit                                             photo: Phil Matthews
Blackcap (juvenile)                                             photo: Phil Matthews
Dunnock                                            photo: Phil Matthews
Hewenden Viaduct
30 Swifts around the viaduct.

Harden Moor
A Lesser Redpoll, a possible breeder.
Bob Naylor

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Friday 31st May 2019

Kex Gill
Stonechat - two adults and two young
Theo Kuechel

Embsay Reservoir
Osprey reported.
via Andy Jowett

Oystercatcher, Dipper, Red Kite, Tufted Duck
Strid Wood
Oystercatcher, Dipper, Pied Flycatcher, Cuckoo, Spotted Flycatcher, Common Sandpiper, Treecreeper and Sand Martin were all seen. 
Phil Matthews