
Welcome to the Blog of the Bradford Ornithological Group (BOG). Here you will find information about the latest sightings, an archive of information and a gallery photos of the birds of this area of West Yorkshire, England. We are an active group dedicated to the study and conservation of birds within this region which is situated amongst the Pennines of Northern England.

Send your recent sightings and photographs to us at this address: recorder@bradfordbirding.org Please add us to your contacts.

Please note that all images remain the property of the photographer.


CONTACT - recorder@bradfordbirding.org

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Heather Park, St Ives - An evening watch for 75 minutes produced 16 sightings of Woodcock. There was one sighting of 3 birds roding together. 

John Preshaw, Julia & Shaun Radcliffe  

Saturday 22 June 2024

Friday 21 June 2024

Whetstone Gate area - 2 male Whinchat, one singing, Hobby hunting nearby.

Jon Budworth

Stainburn Plantation - Tree Pipit calling, Cuckoo heard. later during dusk, Woodcock & Nightjar recorded.

Bryce Henderson 

Friday 21 June 2024

Thursday 20 June 2024

Baildon Moor fringes - on a hot afternoon, plenty of Willow Warblers singing, Kestrel hunting. Only one Whitethroat heard near the drained reservoirs. Just a single butterfly seen in a two hour walk on a sunny day. 

Shaun Radcliffe

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Monday 17 June 2024

Chellow Dene - pair of Common Scoter.

Cathy Wintersgill 

Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday 16 June 2024

High Royd Scrape & Dowley Gap Sewage Works - many Swifts, House Martins, Swallows & Sand Martins seen.

Bryce Henderson, Graham Wood

Bingley Moor - male Stonechat

Matthew Rawnsley 

Stockbridge Reserve - pair of Little Grebe, Kingfisher, Kestrel, 2 Sedge Warblers calling, singing Chiffchaff & 2 Singing Blackcaps, nice male Reed Bunting to the feeder.

Shaun Radcliffe  

Monday 10 June 2024

Monday 10 June 2024

R Aire, Bingley - single female Goosander with a creche of 19 young birds. The cold wind had them huddled together.

R Aire, near Hirst Wood - Common Sandpiper.

No hirundines seen hawking on the river between Bingley & Hirst Wood except at Dowley Gap S W.

Shaun Radcliffe 

Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 8 June 2024

Whetstone Gate - singing Whinchat

Jonathan Morton.

Friday 7 June 2024

High Royd Scrape - Reed Warbler, 6 young Mandarin.

Bryce Henderson 

Friday 7 June 2024

Thursday 6 June 2024

Heather Park, St Ives,  Bingley - 8 sightings of Woodcock roding on a cold evening. Even the midges stayed indoors!!

Shaun Radcliffe

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday 2 June 2024

Stockbridge Reserve - adult Chiffchaff with 2 fledglings, Reed Bunting singing & at feeder. Noticeable is the absence of Whitethroat with Sedge & Reed Warbler neither seen nor heard.

Friday, David Foster had a Little Egret here.

Shaun Radcliffe 

Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday 1 June 2024

Scargill Res & Pasture to John O'Gaunt Res area - Singing Garden Warbler at car park, Skylark, Snipe, Stonechat & Meadow Pipit all recorded on pasture area. Oystercatchers on Scargill reservoir plus Reed Bunting calling & Linnet. Both Greylag & Canada Geese seen. Below reservoir, Redstart & Spotted Fly recorded with other common species. Cuckoo was heard along with singing Willow Warblers & Chiffchaff. Red Kite & Buzzard seen & a Kestrel. John O'Gaunt Reservoir had a few Tufted Duck & a pair of Little Grebe with 3 chicks. Nice to hear a few Chaffinch singing.

Total species recorded was 45 which was a good number in view of the cold wind endured. A total of 6 Redstart were heard with half of them observed. Each sighting showed the bird at the highest point of a tree.

BOG members walk.